Origen Investment Service

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Origen clients who have existing investments with these providers can access their portfolio information using the links below.

The contents of this page does not constitute advice. If you are at all unsure whether your investments are suitable for you, you should contact Origen for advice. These external websites are provided by companies independently of Origen and the content is not controlled or maintained by Origen and therefore we do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of information on these external websites.

Advised Portfolio Service

As one of the leading financial advisers in the UK, we have access to UK and international fund markets and we are not tied to any provider.

Our specialist personal financial planning team will use our research to recommend tax wrappers and investment funds from a number of investment managers. We will then purchase individual contracts and policies in your name. We are able to alert you to any changes that we think you should consider making to your investments but we will not alter your portfolio without your instruction. This service is best suited to clients who are making long term financial decisions and who do not expect material changes in their finances to occur.

Discretionary Investment Management

In recent times, the use of discretionary investment management has grown significantly and allows clients to delegate the day-to-day investment decisions and ongoing management of their portfolio to a team of professional, highly experienced investment managers. We believe that this function should be outsourced to a firm which has specialist teams with the expertise and technology to focus solely on the day to day management of money. We have therefore chosen Brooks Macdonald Asset Management as our strategic partner for discretionary investment management.

Managed Portfolio Service

In order to diversify the risk, clients with between £10,000 and £300,000 to invest can access the Managed Portfolio Service (MPS). It invests predominantly in collective investments, but can include other assets and gives exposure to investments that might not otherwise be available if investing individually. There are five portfolios available. Each portfolio has a specific risk profile that is aligned to a set investment objective and holds investments that are actively managed to take advantage of the opportunities available in the marketplace.

Bespoke Portfolio Service

Our premier service is recommended for investors with over £250,000 in cash and/or existing securities. A dedicated investment manager is provided, who will ensure your portfolio is tailored precisely to your individual circumstances and aligned to achieve your personal investment objectives. We believe that portfolios of assets should be managed in a disciplined and structured basis and that asset allocation is the key to ensuring the appropriate balance of risk and reward.

Many asset classes are included within portfolios in order to achieve maximum diversification and to increase risk adjusted returns. Brooks Macdonald will look at all asset classes ranging from Cash, Fixed Interest, Equities & Property to the alternative classes of Commodities, Private Equity and Hedge Funds, via a variety of vehicles including Unit Trusts, Investment Trusts, Direct, Structured, Passive and Special Purpose Vehicles.

Valuations are provided on a quarterly basis for the Bespoke Portfolio Service and 6-monthly for the Managed Portfolio Service along, with full details of all transactions which have taken place during the previous period. In addition, ad-hoc valuations can be provided upon request and viewed online at any time. At the end of the tax year, you will also receive a consolidated tax voucher for all investment income and a comprehensive Capital Gains Tax report.

Brooks Macdonald

All client’s assets are held with an Origen segregated nominee account, with Brooks Macdonald, which enables purchases and sales to be made without recourse to the client. This nominee takes the form of a company which exists solely to hold investments and which is a non-trading dormant entity.

If Brooks Macdonald Asset Management was to become insolvent there would be no related risk to client assets, as the title of their assets remains unaffected. The main advantage of using an asset management firm is its mandate to manage the assets owned by its clients.

The Brooks Macdonald Investment Services team, based at the Company’s Head Office in London, provides dealing, custody and settlement services for both UK and Offshore clients of Brooks Macdonald Asset Management.

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